These forms should be filled out by the Housing Navigator. If you are not a trained and registered Housing Navigator, please contact staff at [email protected].
HMIS Forms
- HMIS Release of Information/Consent Form Updated December 2021
- CE Preliminary Assessment Updated October 2021
- CE Interim Update Updated October 2021
- CE Exit Assessment Updated October 2021
- VI-SPDAT 2.0 (Individuals)
- VI-SPDAT 2.0 (Individuals Spanish translation)
- F-VI-SPDAT 2.0 (Families)
- TAY-VI-SPDAT 1.0 (Transition Age Youth)
Section 8 Resources
CE Housing Choice Voucher CHEAT SHEET
The following 4 documents must be returned to CE team for a voucher to be issued. The CE team will forward the documents to MDHA.
- Do NOT fill out a Section 8 application until a referral has been made
- Please watch the CE Section 8 training before completing application. Ensure that each form is filled out completely, or the packet will not be accepted by MDHA.
- Upload all required documentation onto the Client Profile in HMIS, using the Coordinated Entry EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail [email protected] to let the CE team know a Section 8 application has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail, the CE team will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
- Section 8 Application Checklist
- MDHA packet
- EHV Referral form
- Mainstream Referral form (if applicable)
- Disability Verification (supplement to Mainstream Referral)
- Self-Employment Certification (if applicable)
- Zero Income Verification (if applicable)
- MDHA Grounds for Denial
- Voucher Extension Request Form
- MDHA/Section 8 Contact List
- Request for Tenancy Approval
The following 4 documents must be returned to CE team for a voucher to be issued. The CE team will forward the documents to MDHA.
- HMIS Intake form and ROI for all adults in household
- Original Change of Circumstance form/Receipt of Briefing Materials
- provide verifications if needed
- Signed voucher (will be sent after above documents are submitted)
- How the Program Works
- Interim Change Form
- Landlords that Accept Section 8 vouchers
- Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA)
- Voucher Payment Standard
- EHV landlord incentive program
- EHV Program Deposit and Rental Assistance
- Tenant Handbook
- Do NOT fill out a Section 8 application until a referral has been made
- Please watch the CE Section 8 training before completing application. Ensure that each form is filled out completely, or the packet will not be accepted by MDHA.
- Upload all required documentation onto the Client Profile in HMIS, using the Coordinated Entry EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail [email protected] to let the CE team know a Section 8 application has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail, the CE team will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
Shelter Plus Care
The following agencies are able to submit a Shelter Plus Care application: Park Center, Safe Haven Family Shelter, Centerstone, Mental Health Cooperative, Nashville Cares and Step Up.
Upload all required documentation (including the complete Application, Disability Verification and Homelessness Verification) to the Client Profile in HMIS, using the Coordinated Entry EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail CE help desk to let staff know a Shelter Plus Care Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail the CE help desk, staff will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
- SPC application - updated July 2023
- SPC Disability Verification - fillable
- SPC Homelessness Verification
- Self-Employment Certification (if applicable)
- Zero Income Verification (if applicable)
- MDHA Grounds for Denial
Upload all required documentation (including the complete Application, Disability Verification and Homelessness Verification) to the Client Profile in HMIS, using the Coordinated Entry EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail CE help desk to let staff know a Shelter Plus Care Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail the CE help desk, staff will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
Critical Time Intervention (CTI)
For clients who are not eligible for other support services and need ongoing support services post-housing, please use the following form:
- Upload the completed form to the Client Profile in HMIS, using the CE EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail [email protected] to notify the CE team a CTI Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail CEhelp, the CE team will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
- Upload the completed form to the Client Profile in HMIS, using the CE EDA Mode.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail [email protected] to notify the CE team a CTI Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail CEhelp, the CE team will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
Move-In Assistance
Print and complete the following form and upload it to the client's HMIS profile: Then, request financial assistance for move-in of How's Nashville participants, please use the following form: - If you request an NES deposit, please add the NES account number in the notes section.
- Each person must have an account number before we can pay the NES deposit.
- The form will go directly to Office of Homeless Services staff. Please do not promise the person any payments.
- Office of Homeless Services staff will get back with you with additional questions and determine eligibility of the request.
- The How's Nashville leadership team agreed to pay for up to $2,000 per household for an eligible person in move-in costs.
- If you have any questions in regard to utility deposits, security deposits, rent, or other move-in costs, please contact the CE help desk.
- Each person must have an account number before we can pay the NES deposit.
- The form will go directly to Office of Homeless Services staff. Please do not promise the person any payments.
- Office of Homeless Services staff will get back with you with additional questions and determine eligibility of the request.
- The How's Nashville leadership team agreed to pay for up to $2,000 per household for an eligible person in move-in costs.
- If you have any questions in regard to utility deposits, security deposits, rent, or other move-in costs, please contact the CE help desk.
Urban Housing Solutions
- Please review the UHS Basic Admission Guidelines before completing an application with your client.
- Please note: SRO units, SHP units and Rex 2 property all have a different application.
- If you have any questions about the guidelines or the application process, please contact the CE help desk.
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail the CE help desk to let staff know a UHS Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail the CE help desk, staff will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
- Please note: SRO units, SHP units and Rex 2 property all have a different application.
- If you have any questions about the guidelines or the application process, please contact the CE help desk.
- UHS SRO Application - use for SRO units (Mercury Courts and Fisk)
- UHS SHP Application
- UHS Rex 2 Application
- UHS Release of information
- UHS disability verification - to be used with SHP referrals
- UHS Homelessness verification - to be used with all referrals
- Once you have uploaded all required documentation, e-mail the CE help desk to let staff know a UHS Referral has been submitted.
- Include the client's HMIS ID in your e-mail.
- If you do not e-mail the CE help desk, staff will NOT know that a referral has been submitted, and will NOT be able to process your referral
Assessment Review Request
The purpose of the Assessment Review Request is to allow for housing navigators to re-do the VI-SPDAT assessment when the score does not accurately reflect the client's current circumstances. A housing navigator must have permission of their direct supervisor to submit an Assessment Review Request. To request an assessment review request, please use the following form: - The CE team will respond to the Assessment Review Request within 2 business days to: (1) allow a re-assessment; (2) ask for more information; or (3) deny the request for re-assessment.
- If approved to complete a re-assessment, email [email protected] to let the CE team know that the re-assessment has been completed.
- If you do not email the CE help desk, the CE team will NOT know that a new VI-SPDAT has been entered.
- If approved to complete a re-assessment, email [email protected] to let the CE team know that the re-assessment has been completed.
- If you do not email the CE help desk, the CE team will NOT know that a new VI-SPDAT has been entered.
New Tenant Orientation Packet
Please distribute the Tenant Orientation Packet to every household who is moving in, ideally when at the "warm hand-off" when you introduce the new case manager.
Address the topics on the front page, then hand out the remainder of the packet. At this point, we do not have a fridge magnet yet.
Address the topics on the front page, then hand out the remainder of the packet. At this point, we do not have a fridge magnet yet.